Sunday, December 11, 2011

Playing With Fear

what is safe? You can sit inside your house and lock the doors, its safe, but can we do it, who is going to suffer, how long can you stay inside.

Recently people are being played in the name of fear; Tamil Nadu is one such state which is battling two fear factor kind of issue on which the TN govt and the people are taking contrasting stand point. You should have guessed its Kodankkulam and Mullai Periyar. In both this situation the fear is “If the earth quake stuck with high magnitude”, Keralities are in the fear of the dam getting burst and TN people fears of a nuclear disaster.

Science is always a boon and a bane to the man kind. The same voices who say Kudankulam is not safe, say Periyar dam is safe. Now what is safe? You can sit inside your house and lock the doors, its safe, but can we do it, who is going to suffer, how long can you stay inside. Stop playing phycosis-fear on the people and approach to a problem technically. A government has to ensure the safety of its people, will it be wise if WB CM Mamtha gives a statement asking her people to not to go to hospital, just because 90 people were killed in a fire accident, rather what she does is to provide and ensure to check the safety measures in all the hospitals and other govt and private establishment. So govt has to provide safe the infrastructure, not fear.

When we can build canals to join two continents, when we can build islands, it’s sure possible for us to use the nuclear energy wisely and so build safe dams. Our politicos has to talk sensibly, doesn’t want to provoke people sentimentally, going into TN-Kerala border and shouting words against keralities doesn’t make sense. TN govt and Kerala govt. shed your egos and start talking directly.
Master.. oru tea…

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